Monmouth County Homes

Home Inspection Nightmare

Are you ready for the home inspection nightmare?

Home Inspection Nightmare

Selling your home has been described as one of the most stressful experiences a person will ever have. My job as a Realtor, is to help you keep calm and focused. However,when it comes to the Home Inspection, you probably aren’t used to having a stranger go through your entire house. You’ll watch helplessly as they open closets, poke around in the attic and the basement. They’ll be testing appliances and the heating and cooling system. The inspector will spend time in your bathrooms and under the sinks checking for leaks. Sometimes the stress can be a mental nightmare.

But, there’s a way to ease the anxieties. You see, I recommend that you, the seller,  leave the home when the buyer performs their inspection. After all, when you’re doing the inspection on your new home, would you want the seller looking over your shoulder? Probably not, therefore, please offer the buyer the same courtesy. However, if you do decide to remain at home for the inspection, I will make it a point to be there myself.  Should anything arise, I can act as an intermediary to (hopefully) defuse any tense situations..

Preventive Steps

As a matter of fact, the home inspection process is not always as bad as you may think. That’s because once the inspection is completed you’ll have the opportunity to make the house right for the buyer. And this is what you’ll want to happen in your new home. Additionally, you’ll have no further issues arising after the sale is completed.

Before we even get to the inspection there are steps you should take. As your Realtor, one of the things I do is take a walk through the house. I’ll point out various items (if any) that I think the inspectors will find such as leaking faucets or cracked or fogged over windows.

Often, I suggest that the seller get a home inspection of their own. Because then  you’ll have the opportunity to be ahead of any home inspection situations that may arise. Your inspector will probably find the same deficiencies that the buyer’s inspector will. As a result, this allows you to take care of the problems before potential buyers even see them. After all, if you have a window that doesn’t operate properly, their inspector will find it. And you may not even know about it.

It’s Not Personal

Sellers, please remember that when an  inspector finds something that’s not right, it’s not personal. And realize that the end goal is to make sure that the sale goes through and don’t let the home inspection nightmare derail the procedure.

When you’re ready to either buy or sell a home, please contact us.

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